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 6 Basic Management Tips to Motivate Virtual Teams

The absence of in-person communication among virtual teams can make it challenging to keep each member motivated. Remote workers may experience a disconnection with their company because they may not be physically present to understand, absorb, and accept the work culture of that place. Nevertheless, there are some management tips that can help change that for the better.

While daily practices are important, hosting occasional virtual team-building events can also make a significant positive difference. Thus, this article discusses various tips to adopt to help make your virtual team feel like they are part of something important. 

  • Host Occasional Online Team Building Activities

You can host either large or small-scale online team-building activities. These activities can include well-organised, grand events such as seminars with interactive questions and answers sections, allowing team members to communicate with each other.

Such activities could also, of course, include some more basic and daily activities such as having lunch together from remote locations. Every now and then, you could consider having online team games or other events such as a virtual escape room or a virtual book club. 

For large-scale events, it’s best to consider corporate team building companies that specialise in organising and executing virtual and physical events. Thus, you can ensure that your event goes according to plan, and you don’t have to worry about the finer details of getting the event ready as dedicated teams handle all of that for you. 

One of the biggest advantages of having team-building activities is that everyone gets to know each other better. As a result, they can feel a sense of camaraderie and a sense of belonging to a unit that’s working together to achieve a specific goal or goals. 

  • Understand Your Team and Their Motivations

One of the most notable ways to motivate your team members is to understand how each one operates and what things motivate them. It’s crucial to understand that they are human beings who don’t think along the same lines about certain things as one another. For example, financial rewards may motivate some people, and they may not be concerned about recognition or status.

On the other hand, other team members may want more time off or a promotion that marks their status. Thus, as a manager, you must take the time out to understand the nuances of your team members instead of assuming one motivator for everyone. 

  • Make Your Team Members Feel Valued for Their Contribution

As a manager, it’s incumbent upon you to recognise and appreciate your team’s contribution when it deserves commendation. Therefore, you should celebrate both team achievements and individual accomplishments and efforts—even when the outcome isn’t always favourable. By doing so, you’ll help make your team members feel valued by the company. In turn, they will have a more positive outlook toward their work and give in their best efforts towards it. 

In some cases, celebratory events can also be a part of your online team-building activities. Celebrating an individual’s exceptional efforts among others helps make others aware of the possibility of reward if they also excel at their jobs. In addition, it also may make achievement more memorable for the exceptional team member than with a simple customary acknowledgement. 

  • Be As Flexible with Your Team as Possible

Many remote workers have to deal with responsibilities at home in addition to their professional work. In some cases, distractions at home can alter their concentration and work timings. Therefore, as a manager, try to be as flexible as possible with your team members. Set deadlines and responsibilities, and allow them to manage that within their own time. If they want to change their work timings, try to give as much leeway as you can.  

It can make it challenging for your team if you expect them to respond to emails promptly or operate in the same way as working at a physical office. So, impose unnecessary restrictions on your team. 

  • Make Communication More Engaging

It can certainly be difficult to motivate your team if you don’t communicate with them enough. In addition to hosting small-scale virtual team-building events, it’s best to speak to your team members at least once a day just to check in on their progress. It’s important to note that you must not attempt to micromanage their work. Discuss the responsibilities, goals, and schedules, and leave the rest to them. 

It can also help to have video calls for meetings instead of just voice calls. The visual element can help with replicating an office environment, allowing team members to feel a sense of belonging to the company. Professionals may feel more motivated toward doing their jobs if they are aware of the larger goal that they’re working towards.

In addition to that, remote working conditions often limit the social interaction among team members and supervisors. Therefore, face-to-face communication can help bridge that gap and potentially improve professional relationships, which, in turn, can foster a more closely-knit work unit.

  • Use Appropriate Management Software

It’s also a good idea to invest in appropriate management software that can facilitate streamlined communication among team members and their supervisors. Appropriate software ensures that all aspects of a project are being addressed timely, reducing the chances of error and client dissatisfaction. 

Last Few Words

Keeping your virtual teams motivated requires a consistent effort on your part as a manager. In addition, you must be ready to change certain behaviours that may be putting your team members down.

Also, when creating virtual team events, it’s typically in your best interest to consult companies that are well-versed with the details of hosting effective events. If you’re looking for corporate team-building companies in the UK, you can check out Seven Events. This company can help organise a variety of virtual events by offering the necessary supplies, planning services, and much more.

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